Lights blink-meshed blue in normal mouse we have met. However, the only indicator that functions as the mouse is active. Now, Microsoft has provided a function for the blue LED. Microsoft Explorer Mouse and Explorer Mini Mouse for mobile applications using the Blue Track Technology to scan the surface. His method, emanated the light beam width, and arrested again by large sensor. In this way, the mouse can work on a surface such as a lack of support sofa, granite, or magazine. Previous laser mouse model can not work on a surface like this.
Conversely, the second mouse model Microsoft is working very well and very helpful for people with fear a table. Condition, the PC stays on the radius of about 5 meters distance This is because the range of 2.4 GHz radio frequency. Unfortunately, Microsoft forgot casing in accordance with this sophisticated technology. Mouse Wheel does not revolve lancer and effect, without giving feedback. Button for the thumb hidden in difficult to reach a point of emphasis and less comfortable.
Mouse can be well. This mouse is very sensitive because his cursor can sway own. Mouse Price is about U.S. $ 100.
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