Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Browser from the giant Search Engine, Google Chrome

Fierce competition from famous browsers stopped some time ago. This is because the born of a new competitor in the browser, it’s Google Chrome. Who didn’t know Google? The giant search engine in the internet browser is issued a new pledge that they add exciting browser competition.

This browser must be installed using the internet connection because the file size of installation only requires 600 KB needs another files download that are required directly from the Google site. Indeed, just take a wait to download the file if your internet connection is just dial-up only. Overall the installation of Google Chrome is not confusing , just wait for the download problems that sometimes make us not calm.

Google Chrome be calculated quickly to open a site in full. This is caused by a powerful V8 engine, javascript six times faster. The necessary energy is taken from Google's V8 Javascript Engine that was developed and optimized for speed with a certain trick. 

In addition, the Chrome is genius programmed. When browser write the data to hard disk (for instance in the cache), the browser will make the process itself. In this way, a slow hard disk will not affect the speed of Google Chrome browser. 

Download Google Chrome ... .. 


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